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Dr. Dawn Tilbury appointed Herrick Prof. of Engineering and receives SAE award for Women Leaders

The Regents of the University of Michigan approved the appointment of Dr. Dawn Tilbury as the Herrick Professor of Engineering. This professorship was established in 1995 by the Herrick Foundation of Detroit to recognize distinguished work in interdisciplinary, mission-oriented manufacturing education and research. The five year term begins Feb. 1, 2022 through Jan. 31, 2027.

Dr. Tilbury currently serves as Associate Vice President for Research – Convergence Sciences, and directs the Bold Challenges initiative to bring together teams of faculty with social and technical science expertise to address societal challenges.

Dr. Tilbury also receives the 2022 J. Cordell Breed Award for Women Leaders. This award was established “in 1999 by SAE Women Engineers Committee and … is designed to recognize women active in all sectors of the mobility industry who have achieved the best balance of life both professionally and personally.”

ARC-affiliated researchers who received this award in past years include Dr. Angela Violi (University of Michigan, 2019) and Dr. Denise Rizzo (U.S. Army TARDEC, 2017).