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Technical Talks Matrix

Below is a draft of this year’s technical talks matrix.

The Technical Talks allow ARC projects to report on their research goals and outcomes. Each talk will consist of a 15-minute presentation followed by 5-minute for Q&A.

2024 Day 1 - June 5

Technical Session 1

  1A: Perception and Planning
Session Chair: Jon Smereka, Parasmothy Jayakumar (GVSC)
Rogel Ballroom
1B: Materials and Terramechanics
Session Chair: Katie Sebeck (GVSC)
Room 2210
1C: Digital Engineering and Multi-Agent System
Session Chair: Matt Castanier, Steve Rapp (GVSC)
Wolverine Room (3rd floor)
1:30 PM Project 1.37, PI: Popa, Epureanu
Perception in Complex Scenes Using Automatically Labeled Sonar-imaging Data in Synthetic Environments
Project 3.18, PI: Barrett
Materials Design of Polycarbonates at the Atomistic Scale with Machine Learning
Project 5.19, PI: Vasudevan
Adversarial Scene Generation for Virtual Validation and Testing of Off-Road Autonomous Vehicle Performance
1:50 Project 1.39, PI: Al Faruque
Adaptive and Efficient Perception for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Operating in Highly Stochastic Environments under Sensing Uncertainties
Project 3.19, PI: Lu, Epureanu, Popa
Intelligent Ultrasound to Adaptively Control Interfacial Properties and Reactions
Project 5.21, PI: Parsa
Multi-Phase Vector Symbolic Architectures for Distributed and Collective Intelligence in Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems
2:10 Project 1.41, PI: Ersal, Epureanu
Resilient Trajectory Planning for Extreme Mobility on Challenging Slopes
Project 3.20, PI: Martin, Harwood, Sugiyama
Modeling of a Ground Vehicle Operating in Shallow Water
Project 5.22, PI: Vlahopoulos
Unsupervised Testing and Verification for Software Systems of Ground Autonomous Vehicles
2:30 Project 1.A73, PI: Veerapaneni
Quantum Computing Innovation for Off-Road Mobility
Project 3.21, PI: Filipov
Design of Modular Origami Structures for Multifunctional Cloaking and Protection
Project 5.23, PI: Epureanu
Automated Co-Design of Vehicles and their Teaming Operations for Optimal Off-Road Performance
2:50 Project 1.40, PI: Goodin
Touch-based Sensing for Evaluating Vegetation in Complex Navigation Environments
Project 3.22, PI: Sandu, Yerro-Colom
Tire–mud Interaction Modeled Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element Analysis (SPH-FEA) Techniques and Experimental Validation
Project 5.A104, PI: Vantsevich
Modular Closed-loop, Real-time, Physics-based Software Simulator for Unmanned Ground Vehicles in Unstructured Terrain Environments
3:10 - 3:30 Project 1.A100, PI: Haider
Rapid and Adaptive Perception Autonomy for Context-Specific Classifications
Project 3.23, PI: KW Wang
Adaptive Structures with Embedded Autonomy for Advancing Ground Vehicles
Project 1.A90, PI: Mourelatos, Hu
Reliable Deep Learning for Data-Driven Mobility Prediction under Uncertainty for Off-Road Autonomous Ground Vehicles

2024 Day 2 - June 6

Technical Session 2

  2A: Human-Autonomy Interactions
Session Chair: Victor Paul, Parasmothy Jayakumar (GVSC)
Rogel Ballroom
2B: Materials and Structures
Session Chair: Katie Sebeck (GVSC)
Room 2210
2C: Energy and Lightweighting
Session Chair: Jon Smereka, Vamshi Korivi (GVSC)
Wolverine Room (3rd floor)
10:35 AM Project 2.15, PI: Mihalcea
In-the-wild Question Answering: Toward Natural Human-Autonomy Interaction
Project 3.24/3.A96, PI: Valdevit, Apelian
Additively Manufactured All-metallic Metamaterial Solutions for Protection of Electronic Systems in Autonomous Vehicles
Project 1.A107, PI: Li
Integrated Design and Efficient Safe Control for Terrain-Adaptive Ultra-lightweight Vehicles
10:55 Project 2.16, PI: Chai
Language Communication and Collaboration with Autonomous Vehicles under Unexpected Situations
Project 3.A103, PI: Littlefield
Evaluation of Under-body Blast Response to Loading from Alternative Terra-Medium Environments
Project 1.A108, PI: Lajnef
Self-Powered Wireless Sensing Platform for Vehicle Attitude Control
11:15 Project 2.18, PI: Kim
Investigating Required Transparency Information and Display Features through an Empirical Study using a Dual-tasks HAT Simulation
Project 3.A112, PI: Haq
Advanced Manufacturing of composites using Robotic fiber placement, Novel Multi-material Joining, and Integrated Sensors
Project 4.37, PI: Naber
Risk Averse Vehicle Energy, Thermal Signature Management and Control to Enable Silent Mobility/watch
11:35 Project 2.A101, PI: Stavrinos
Effect of Autonomous Assistance on Crew Member Performance, Situational Awareness, and Interaction in a Closed Hatched Simulated Environment
Project 3.A111, PI: Papapolymerou
Multi-Band Communication Antenna Systems for Ground Vehicles Enabled by Advanced RF Packaging Integration
Project 4.A105, PI: Fahlman
De Novo Design of Energy Storage Materials Through a Synergistic Approach
11:55 Project 1.A81, PI: Gorodetsky, Veerapaneni
Mathematical Approaches for Learning from Gaming Data
Project 3.A106, PI: Marquez
Safe Water for All: Novel Adsorbent and Membrane Materials for Water and Wastewater Treatment
Project 4.A109, PI: Fang
Develop Lightweight, Low-temperature, and Safe Batteries for Autonomous Electric Vehicles
12:15 - 12:35 PM Project 1.A113, PI: Ghasemi, Vantsevich, Moradi
Responsible AI-Based Control of Unmanned Ground Vehicles in Severe Dynamic Terrain Environments
- Project 4.A110, PI: Foster
Lightweight Electric Powertrain with High-speed Machines and Drives
