Principal investigators (PIs) of ARC projects are faculty members from ARC partner universities. They are experts and leaders in their fields. Together with their research teams of students, post-doctoral fellows, government and industry contributors, and collaborators, they are the force behind the cutting-edge research that is the bedrock of the ARC. The list of PIs and Co-PIs is updated as projects start and conclude. Current PIs and Co-PIs are listed below in alphabetic order.
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Mohammad Al Faruque
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

Diran Apelian
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Universitiy of California, Irvine

Kira Barton
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Robotics, University of Michigan

Cindy Bethel
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Billie J. Ball Endowed Professor in Engineering, Mississippi State University

Daniel Carruth
Assistant Research Professor, Mississippi State University

Bogdan Epureanu
Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Tulga Ersal
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Bradley D. Fahlman
Professor of Chemistry, Central Michigan University

Evgueni Filipov
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan

Masood Ghasemi
Research Scientist, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Christopher Goodin
Assistant Research Professor, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mississippi State University

Alex Gorodetsky
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan

Mohammad Haider
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama, Birmingham

Casey Harwood
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa

Chanseok Jeong
Associate Professor , Central Michigan University

Sang-Hwan Kim
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Michigan - Dearborn

Wing-Yue Geoffrey Louie
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oakland University

Wei Lu
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Rada Mihalcea
Janice M. Jenkins Collegiate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan

Anja Mueller
Professor of Chemistry, Central Michigan University

Jeffrey Naber
Richard and Elizabeth Henes Endowed Professor (Energy Systems), Mechanical Engineering—Engineering Mechanics , Michigan Tech

Maryam Parsa
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Mason University

Bogdan Popa
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Lionel Robert
Professor of Information, School of Information, University of Michigan

Corina Sandu
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech

Hiroyuki Sugiyama
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa

Dawn Tilbury
Professor of Robotics, University of Michigan

Lorenzo Valdevit
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Irvine

Vladimir Vantsevich
Professor of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Ram Vasudevan
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Shravan Veerapaneni
Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan

Chris Vermillion
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Nickolas Vlahopoulos
Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan

Kon-Well Wang
A. Galip Ulsoy Distinguished University Professor of Engineering and Stephen P. Timoshenko Collegiate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Yue Wang
Warren H. Owen – Duke Energy Professor of Engineering, Clemson University

Alba Yerro-Colom
Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech