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Shaghayegh (Shay) Bagheri

Shaghayegh (Shay) Bagheri

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Bagheri is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and director of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing laboratory at George Mason University. The main research outcome of her lab is the synthesis and characterization of advanced structure materials based on high-performance polymers. These new emerging materials have application in many industries, especially in textile, energy, defense and biomedical. Dr. Bagheri has published on, and patented innovations to design, develop and characterize advanced structure materials based on high performance polymers. She was one of the first to develop and publish on the use of polymer-based surface textured composites with enhanced contact properties for anti-slip applications. Her research has been funded by NIOSH and Mitacs /Accelerate Ontario.
