Ed Durfee
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Ed Durfee received his A.B. degree in Chemistry and Physics from the Harvard University in 1980, his MS degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and his PhD in Computer and Information Science also from the University of Massachusetts, in 1984 and 1987 respectively. He has been on the Computer Science and Engineering faculty at the University of Michigan since 1988, and has been a Full Professor since 2000. His research interests are in planning and coordination in multiagent systems, and in realtime intelligent automated decision making. Currently, he supervises projects in human-agent teaming, and on cognitive orthotics to help adolescents with disabilities and their families to manage and coordinate their schedules. His relevant past projects have included agent technologies to support human coordination as part of the DARPA Coordinators program, multiagent planning for coalition operations as part of the DARPA CoABS program, coordinated control of aircraft as part of the DARPA ANTS program, and agent-based assistance technology as part of a DARPA MSTO effort directed towards reducing crewsizes on ships. He has also led projects supported by NSF, AFOSR, NASA, TACOM, and IBM. Professor Durfee has served as the President of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS), and has occupied editorial and organizing roles for the leading journals and conferences in his field. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, and of AAAI. He has published numerous highly-regarded papers, and two of his papers have received Influential Paper Awards from IFAAMAS.