Dimitra Panagou
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Dimitra Panagou is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, Aerospace Engineering Department. Her research interests include the fields of motion planning, coordination and control of complex dynamical systems, with applications in unmanned aerial systems, multi-vehicle systems (ground, marine, aerial, space) and robotic networks. She received the PhD degree in Engineering (April 2012) and the Diploma degree in Mechanical Engineering (February 2006) from the School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Dimitra’s research program emphasizes in the exploration, development and implementation of control theoretic methods in order to address real world constrained control problems via analytic, provably correct solutions. Her research spans the areas of nonlinear systems and control, decentralized/ distributed systems and control, motion and path planning, switched and hybrid systems, constrained decision making and control, and networked robotic/control systems. Multi-objective (semi-)cooperative control problems, such as distributed dynamic coverage, collision avoidance and connectivity maintenance for multi-agent systems in constrained environments are, among others, some examples of her research pursuits.