John Wagner
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
John Wagner joined the Department in August 1998. He was previously on the engineering staffs at Delco Electronics, a subsidiary of General Motors Hughes Electronics, and Delphi Automotive Systems working on automotive powertrain and chassis control systems with hardware-in-the-loop and in-vehicle testing. Dr. Wagner has established the multi-disciplinary Driving Simulator Laboratory and the Rockwell Automation Mechatronics Educational Laboratory at Clemson. He has served as an associate editor for the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2005-2008) and as the chair of the ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Division Automotive & Transportation Systems Technical Committee (2004-2007). Dr. Wagner is a registered professional mechanical engineer and also serves as the faculty advisor for the Clemson University SAE student chapter. He has been elected an ASME Fellow.