Corina Sandu
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professor
Dr. Corina Sandu is a professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Virginia Tech. Her expertise lies in vehicle dynamics (suspension, handling, ride, performance), terramechanics (vehicle-terrain interaction, tire/track modeling, vehicle mobility, soil/terrain modeling), and multibody dynamics (modeling, simulation, uncertainty quantification, parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis, design optimization). Her research in these areas has been funded by NSF, NASA GRC, NASA LaRC, ARC, ERDC, CenTiRe, Goodyear, Caterpillar, SRI, and others. Dr. Corina Sandu is the director of the TMVS lab which houses the Terramechanics Rig. She is the President of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS).
- Physics-Based Robust, Adaptive, and Scalable Control Algorithms for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Operating at High-Speed in Adversarial Environments
- Tire–mud Interaction Modeled Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element
- Off-Road Soft Soil Tire Model Development, Validation, and Interface to Commercial Multibody Dynamics Software