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Andrea L'Afflitto

Andrea L'Afflitto

Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Dr. Andrea L’Afflitto is an associate professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech, and is affiliated to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His expertise is in the areas of nonlinear robust control, optimal control, and path and trajectory planning, and his research has been funded by ARL, DARPA, NAWC-AD, NOAA, NSF, and ONR on the design of fast path and trajectory planners and robust adaptive controllers for autonomous ground and aerial vehicles in hostile and unknown environmental and uncertain modeling conditions. Dr. L’Afflitto is the director of the Advanced Control Systems Lab (ACSL), which is specialized in the design, implementation, and testing of advanced guidance and control systems for small autonomous vehicles equipped with single board computers of limited computational capability. Among the equipment at ACSL, it is worthwhile mentioning the Clearpath Husky that will be employed to test the proposed results.
