Systems of Systems & Integration
Annual PlanModular Closed-loop, Real-time, Physics-based Software Simulator for Unmanned Ground Vehicles in Unstructured Terrain Environments
Project Summary
Principal Investigator
- Vladimir Vantsevich (PI), Sam Misko (co-I), University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
- Tulga Ersal (ci-PI), University of Michigan
- James Michael Brascome, Nicholas Bowen, Andres Morales, Eva Dennis, UAB
- Jordan Whitson (DoD SMART program), UAB
- Paramsothy Jayakumar, US Army GVSC
- Arnold Free, Traxara Robotics
- Torsten Kluge, dSPACE GmbH
Project began Q4 2022.
To realize the full potential of simulation-based evaluation and validation of autonomous ground vehicle systems on unstructured off-road terrain, the next generation of modeling and simulation (M&S) solutions must provide real-time, closed-loop environments that feature the latest physics-based modeling approaches and simulation solvers.
This project aims to address basic research problems to support the implementation of the concept of the co-simulation environment and to realize the concept in a computational tool. The two major fundamental research problems are listed below:
- Quantification and Minimization of Error and Error Propagation for Real-time UGV Co-simulation Models.
- Quantification and Runtime Monitoring and Minimization of Error for Real-time UGV Co-simulation Frameworks
Based on the above-formulated two major fundamental problems, the goal of the proposed project is to
- Devise mathematical techniques (i) to assess the sensitivity of each mathematical model (i.e., each module that represents either a physical or cyber-system in the framework in Fig.1) to its complexity and contribution to the total error of the final outcomes of the entire co-simulation and (ii) to minimize this error for the purpose of achieving a given/reasonable accuracy of the co- simulation process,
- Design computational techniques that allow for co-simulating all modular software components, which run in parallel and/or in sequence with each other, while managing and demonstrating certain characteristics of real-time simulation of the entire system given by the framework in Fig. 1,
- Using the above-introduced mathematical and computational techniques, design a set of computational tools that allow for both maintaining the given/reasonable accuracy at minimal errors of the final outcomes and providing real-time characteristics of co-simulations,
- Design and build a prototype system to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed computational tools to co-simulate the framework in real-time operations with the given/reasonable accuracy.